The Zebrafish Information Network.
A guide for the laboratory use of zebrafish by Monte Westerfield, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon.
The Zebrafish Information Network.
A guide for the laboratory use of zebrafish by Monte Westerfield, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon.
The zebrafish sequencing project at the Sanger Institute.
This Ensembl website features the zebrafish whole genome shotgun assembly sequence.
NCBI Zebrafish Genome Resources
These pages bring together information on NCBI and community zebrafish-related resources including sequence, mapping, and cloning information.
The Zebrafish Server of the development biology lab and the cardiovascular research centre.
WashU-Zebrafish Genome Resources Project
The WashU-Zebrafish Genome Resources Project is developing expressed sequence tags (ESTs), mapping genes and ESTs, allocating and designing EST mapping primers to other labs and improving inbred zebrafish mapping strains.
Zebrafish Information Server at the University of South Carolina
CORDIS: Community Research and Development Information Service
The site provides information on work developments at both EU and national levels. The CORDIS National R&D and Innovation Information Service outlines the national policies and frameworks in which research is undertaken throughout the EU and associated countries, as well as latest news and achievements. (En, De, Nl, Fr)
EUR-OP: Office for Official Publications of the European Comminities
EUR-OP provides information about the publication House of the European Union, publications, addresses of marketing offices, and other products like databanks. (En, De, Nl, Fr)
Pages of the Directorate General Press and Communication.
Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz (OSHA)
The pages contain further links to the various political areas of the European Commission.
Europäische Stiftung für Berufsbildung (ETF)
The ETF is an EU agency and promotes the values and objectives of the European Union. The ETF shares expertise in vocational education and training across regions and cultures and helps develop skills, thereby promoting better living conditions and active citizenship in democratic societies that respect human rights and cultural diversity.
Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung (CEDEFOP)
The CEDEFOP is the European agency that helps policy-makers and practitioners of the European Commission, the Member States and social partner organisations across Europe make choices about vocational training policy.
EUROSTAT the statistical office of the European Union
The pages provide comprehensive statistics on the economy, finance, social conditions, trade and industry of the EU countries. Information is available as news releases, EU reports and downloadable PDF documents. (De, En, Fr)
Everything about the Sixth Framework Programme.
COST - European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility. (En)
Pages of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg. (En)
EMBO - European Molecular Biology Organization
EMBO promotes biosciences in Europe with focus on development of a strong trans-national approach to molecular biology, the identification of measures that can assist in the training of scientists in this area and the emphasis on scientific criteria for all of its activities. (En)
ESF: European Science Foundation
The ESF acts as a catalyst for the development of science by bringing together leading scientists and funding agencies to debate, plan and implement pan-European initiatives. (En)
Provides information about project management, helps locate partners and financing possibilities in areas of new materials, production technologies, medicine and bio-technology, information and communications technologies, energy, laser science, transportation, and environmental technologies. (Gr, En)
One stop internet portal for EU policy, neutral, independent, free of charge. Includes a day to day news section (including information on the debate on FP7). (De, En, Fr)
AlphaGalileo: Das Internet-Pressezentrum für europäische Wissenschaft und die Geisteswissenschaft
One stop Internet portal for EU research. Stand-alone, non-profit organization that collects information (eg. from press releases, conferences and other events, new books, broadcast media feeds, expert service) on the science in Europe and distribute them world-wide. (En, De, Sp, Bs)
European Federation of Biotechnology
The European Federation of Biotechnology is the non-profit association of all national and cross-national Learned Societies, Universities, Institutes, Companies and Individuals interested in the promotion of Biotechnology throughout Europe and beyond. The site provides useful industry news and links. (En)
Informations Sekretariat Biotechnologie
A comprehensive site on the biotech companies in Germany. (De)
This project co-ordinated by the Austrian Bureau for International Research and Technology Cooperation (BIT) and co-funded by the European Commission supports the successful participation of SMEs and SME groupings in LifeSciences related projects of the 6th Framework Programme. A network of 28 partners from 26 countries helps research consortia to identify high quality and well trained companies ready to participate in EU research projects.
Vereinigung Deutscher Biotechnologie
Website of the Association of German Biotech Companies. Provides industry news and related calendar of events.
A directory of 2000 links to companies, research institutes, universities specific to biotechnology, pharmaceutical development and related fields.
EUMORPHIA is an integrated research programme involving development of new approaches in phenotyping, mutagenesis and informatics leading to improved characterisation of mouse models for the understanding of human physiology and disease. The focus will be on development, standardisation and dissemination of primary and secondary phenotyping protocols for all body systems in the mouse. The project will pilot novel approaches to gene-driven mutagenesis and will be supported by new informatics tools for the acquisition, dissemination and querying of phenotype data.
ResearchResearch - Newspaper for the research world
Offers funding opportunities, research sponsorships, alert service for researchers and worldwide research news and analysis.
Biotechnological and scientific expertise will be transferred from model organisms, mainly zebrafish, to commercial aquaculture species, the gilthead sea bream, via the comparative mapping approach. The tools generated in the current project, micro satellites and coding genes will be used to generate physical and linkage maps for about 1 500 markers of Type I and Type II and will be indispensable for breeding programmes which aim to select for economically important traits. Among species of commercial interest, the zebrafish is an excellent candidate, because of its small genome (1.1pg/haploid cell) and high variability for microsatellites. Extending and refining the comparative approach within teleosts (by generating a second species gene map with extensive coverage) will permit better understanding of vertebrate genomes and their evolution.
EUSCEA (European Science Events Association). Includes the regional and national science events. This association can also counsel you in the organisation of European-size events that would be very relevant for projects involving a lot of different countries.
Organised by the European Commission's Research Directorate General (Directorate C - Science and Society).